265 Balls Hill Rd parking lot is the best place to access the yellow trail loop straight ahead and on the left. Watch out for the fenced nesting area filled with Snapping Turtle eggs (in September/October)!
We followed the trailhead entering the woods on the left. The path skirted around the hill until the marshlands to the left came into view. There were so many sounds that birdwatchers could spend hours cataloging.
The trail continued through the woods along a path that flattened out into a wider riverside trail with wonderful views of Concord River on the left. Some of the wetlands were fenced off to protect rare plants and wetland species.
At the best viewing spot facing the river was Wiliam Brewster’s Canoe House next to the stone ruins of his small cabin and well. Brewster was a great American ornithologist and first President of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, who bought 80 acres of this waterfront and white pine forest in 1891 to preserve and thankfully allow us to still enjoy observing wildlife including birds, salamanders, rare plants, and snapping turtles.
All in all, a relaxing 1.5hr walk over 2.7 miles of undulating terrain. It can get muddy in places following rain.
Here’s a trail map
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Next time we will take binoculars and spend more time birdwatching at the hilltop vantage points.