Texas Skeleton Plant Frog Pond Green Frog
Dutton Rd parking is the best place for simple access to the Frog Pond Loop via the easternmost trail on the right.
We followed the wide wooded paths skirting around the wetland until Frog Pond came into view. Then we switched to the Pond Loop trail at the water’s edge. How peaceful, we saw water lilies, frogs, turtles sunning themselves on logs, and lots of dragonflies. One of the highlights of the trip was a beaver dam to the east of the pond which can be seen from the new looking bridge at the end of the loop where Frog Pond connects to another smaller pond.
At the bridge we took a right to connect with the old railway tracks, right out of that movie “Stand By Me” – and Steven King’s book. Thankfully no body found on this trip!
All in all, a relaxing 1-1.5hr walk over 2.5 miles on flat terrain. It can get muddy in places.
Here’s a trail map
Other Recommendations
Next time we will link in a trip to the Memorial Forest conservation land 1/4 mile further down Dutton Rd.